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发布时间:2023-06-27 18:13:33源自:网络作者:dgzjjj.com小编阅读()


  What if I say no?

  I think they need a time-out.

  Director Fury? I think it's time

  You have made me very desperate.

  And don't play well with others.

  We're not a team. We're a time bomb.

  Doctor, we need you to come in.

  This is nothing we've ever trained for.

  I thought I didn't qualify. 英文台词Apparently I am, what is it, volatile, self-obsessed?

  You're here with a mission, sir? Trying to get me back in the world.

  It's called the Avengers Initiative.

  What are you asking me to do?

  How desperate are you? And you call on such lost creatures to defend you.

  And we are hopelessly outgunned.


  I'll persuade you.

  War has started.

  Trying to save it.

  Guys, I'm bringing the party to you.

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当前位置:首页 > 电影


作者:小一 时间: 2023-06-27 18:13:33 阅读:(11)


  What if I say no?

  I think they need a time-out.

  Director Fury? I think it's time

  You have made me very desperate.

  And don't play well with others.

  We're not a team. We're a time bomb.

  Doctor, we need you to come in.

  This is nothing we've ever trained for.

  I thought I didn't qualify. 英文台词Apparently I am, what is it, volatile, self-obsessed?

  You're here with a mission, sir? Trying to get me back in the world.

  It's called the Avengers Initiative.

  What are you asking me to do?

  How desperate are you? And you call on such lost creatures to defend you.

  And we are hopelessly outgunned.


  I'll persuade you.

  War has started.

  Trying to save it.

  Guys, I'm bringing the party to you.